Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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Shield, armed satellites a laser beam to destroy the white whale warships For X warships, the laser beam 10 such armed satellites launched, you can completely destroy the X warships. Tanglong face heavy, while he paced around armed satellites side muttering Road: do not have to fight, completely beat. Can, this armed satellite structure is not complicated. This, suddenly began to imagine it: Found of fantasy after Tanron shoved, armed satellites around a lot,cheap northface jackets, and those white whale battleship still spit out this satellite and he could not help scratching their heads and asked: Phoenix ice the mouthend said: Tanglong exclaimed: stopped at the fort, the other materials do not will not be long,cheap nfl jerseys, a large force of the enemy will come, not scram, will not walk. Two beluga whales in the 50 warships and transport after the 1000 armed satellites all packed in the within the fortress stomach. Then Sai Leida display, tens of thousands of vessels warships at full speed toward the side rushing Tanron directed at those battleship where the direction laugh, press the detonate button. Mandolin Star screen immediately emerge the Jiduo dazzling mushroom cloud. Tanglong proudly while enjoying these clouds, while the command: Zhongzhou Star. Speaking of which, the illusionist suddenly laughed: Phoenix ice, looked at each other and shrugged helplessly.
Stewart gang of menacing warships came, only to see the the Ginko fortress disappear before the scene emitting laser interference because of the distance even what can most people are angry incredibly, but to see if they secretly wipe cold sweat, you can guess that they are more willing to Ginko fortress disappear before their own arrival? after all that powerful force is not their ships to contend.
Clouds swirl Stewart looked blankly Mandolin star that has not yet recovered, a look at those clouds swirl know not long ago where a huge explosion occurred, it seems that their own factories all over Stewart and a lot of heartache factories have been destroyed and is one of the reasons, the most important thing is to own hard-won 1000 To

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